Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Your child’s first sports competition. A melting moment.

Let me be the first to say that I am so incredibly happy that the boys both have a sport have found a place where they feel completely at home. For years they played soccer, but recently they began to indicate that they did not like it any more. Just before the summer vacations they quit soccer and found a new sport; athletics. A few weeks ago they had their first competition.

Soccer games

Of course with soccer they have already played so many games, yet this was different from their first athletics competition. In soccer you do it together. In athletics it is much more about the individual. Parts were new and some had very little training on them.

Not such a race mentality

The boys don’t have a very strong competition mentality. At soccer this was already clear. The wanting to win gene was missing here. If they won, they were happy, but if they lost, they didn’t really care. Strange, because with games they always want to win. I was very curious how the first athletics competition would be. Would they have more of a winner’s mentality because they are now playing ‘individual’ sports?

Versatile sport

When I found out that they really liked athletics, I was happy. Not only because I did athletics myself for over twenty years. I especially love that it is such a versatile sport. All muscles are used and if you are less good at one event you can compensate for it in another event.

High jump

The boys’ first competition was the club championships. Great, because then you really only sport with your own team and that’s nice for the first competition. The oldest did the all-around shot put, high jump, 60 meters and 600 meters. He had only trained in the high jump once before, so he was very excited about it. the youngest did long jump, ball throw, 40 meters and 600 meters.

Proud parents who enjoyed it

It was a real melting moment that Sunday in October. It all took a lot of getting used to, such as the starting shot in the sprint, the run-up in the high jump or throwing a ball. Since they had three attempts at each part, I could see that they were trying to advance each time, would that mentality of wanting to win or improve be in there after all?? The performances may not have been great yet ( although, the youngest came 4th in the 600 meters), ran the boys first time sprint right across all lanes ( they were allowed to go over for a while, then he did stay in his lane). They loved it and I? I was very proud of my little athletes.

All about sports and games. You can find here

Now the winter season is coming and the cross country races are starting. They have already indicated that they want to participate as well. I am curious! In any case, I am very happy that they have found their sport.