Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

With a trampoline in the garden the children play outside all year round

My kids are not really outdoor kids. In summer they like to play soccer outside, but when the weather starts to get bad, they prefer to be inside. Until I decided to put a trampoline in the garden.

Now they are always outside.

Playing outside

After a few years of playing soccer and then athletics, the boys decided they wanted to go climbing with us. Since then, they have been going with us regularly to the climbing hall. They also cycle a lot.

In summer they like to play outside, but when the weather gets colder they are often inside playing with LEGO or on the Nintendo.

A trampoline in the garden

For years we had a trampoline in front of the house, we bought it with several families and this trampoline was used a lot. After a storm a couple of years ago it was written off and no more have replaced it. The boys often said they missed it and when they saw a photo. That their aunt in America had bought a trampoline for their nephews, the question came again here.

A trampoline, ideal all year round.

Since I know a trampoline really gets them outside, I decided to order one. Not a very big one. I ordered a trampoline with a diameter of 183 cm.

It fits nicely in the garden, but I still have enough room to walk around. On the site where I ordered I found a large selection of trampolines. There are many shapes and sizes.

Here I also read that the delivery time was 3-5 working days. When I hadn’t heard anything after a week I called and it turned out there were problems with the delivery. Another week later I received a message that the desired color was no longer available and if I wanted another color. This was no problem.

Communication was a bit stiff at first, but after I ordered a new color, they kept me well informed about delivery. Three weeks after the order the trampoline arrived anyway.

What do the boys think of the trampoline?

Putting the trampoline together was, from what I could remember, quite a job. Just before dinner the men in the house decided they wanted to eat it together now and I held my breath. But putting it together was easy. The four of us put it together, although two of us is also fine. The instructions are clear.

The net and soft edge make it safe to jump on. It was ready in half an hour and the boys were on it. It might have taken a while to get it, but it was worth it. What fun they have on the trampoline.

As soon as they come out of school they are in the garden and the fact that it is getting colder now does not matter to them, they are jumping around a lot.