Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Hiring a photographer for special life moments

Hiring a photographer at a wedding is part of the day. And also having a family portrait taken is ordinary. But we don’t hire a photographer for other special moments in life.

Think of a family member who is ill or at a funeral. While these moments can also be captured.

Capturing Memories

Why do we hire a photographer at our wedding, have pictures taken of our family when all is going well, but not when things are not going so well. Why not capture the moments when a family member is seriously ill or at a funeral or cremation?? Maybe you’ve never thought about this, or don’t like to think about this. Yet these are also moments to make a photo reportage of. Because you want to keep the memories of these special moments forever.

How sad and mournful they may be.

A photographer of special life moments

Through Clubhouse I recently spoke with Renee Krijgsman. She is a photographer of special life moments. I found her story so beautiful and moving, but also understood that it is still unknown and unspoken to hire a photographer when a loved one dies.

While hiring a photographer at other times is so common. I asked her if I could cover hiring a photographer or special life moments on my blog. Just to make this more known, because it might just help so many.

More than just weddings

After all, photography is about capturing the emotion of love, whatever life’s moments are. Renee makes various reports and can be hired for: wedding reports, family reports, business reports and farewell reports. And while wedding portraits and family portraits are normal, there is a growing demand for farewell portraits.

Although this too is still very much unknown.

Photography keeps the memory alive

Maybe it is a strange idea and maybe you never look at it again, but the moment does not come back, Renee has put this very nicely on her site: “You can always choose never to look at it. But never choosing to make them again.”

Memories of Loved Ones

The days after the death of a loved one are hectic, often you are lived and these days are all about letting go, while you want to hold on to the togetherness forever. Because the day of the farewell often passes in a daze for many, you may not remember things later on. Hiring a photographer who takes photos’can help you make memories tangible after the funeral.

This can be fairly soon after a funeral, but also times afterwards.

The last touch, Renee Krijgsman

Photos can help you

Photos help you visualize the day. Things become visible that you had forgotten or not seen. But these photos are also a tangible image for children for later and can also help those who were not present at the farewell, to still say goodbye in their own way.

But photos’s can also help you with images you might have forgotten about.

Hiring a photographer at a farewell

Now if you are looking for a photographer, for whatever special moment, be sure to take a look at Renee’s site and see what beautiful photos she takes here. You can hire a photographer for many more occasions than you might think.

photo free image from Free-Photos via Pixabay/ Renee Krijgsman